Unconditional Laughter & Our True Nature
The journey of yoga is 1st to return to Nature. 2nd to return to Nature. And, 3rd to return to Nature. And, there are many rivers and streams that all flow in the direction of our unconditioned true nature.
One such river is the dynamic meditation of what is referred to as Laughter Yoga. The essence of this technique of yoga is spontaneous playfulness. To awaken what I refer to as the "unconditioned true nature" of the self it is helpful to participate in activities which are supportive of the spontaneous exploration of sensations. Such as Hatha & Ha' Ha' Yoga! :).
Unconditional Laughter has the effect of opening our hearts to experience a deeper awareness of the presence of love and light that already exists within us. It is not somewhere in time to be arrived upon by luck or striving achievement.
The "good news" brought by all the greatest teachers has all been the same message. That love begets love and hate begets hate. Ultimately, it is the same Source energy just channeled in different directions. So today and everyday let us individually and together do whatever it takes to make this world a better place to live in by finding yoga or whatever spiritual path works for us to fully embrace the love, light, laughter and wisdom that is already within your Spirit.
Om Nama'
Live in Love.
Laughter & Hatha Yoga is offer by Sage at Yoga Art Space the 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month.
Any questions Sage can be reached by phone (360) 286-8827 or email: sagehopkins@gmail.com